


The video is a trailer without infringement.站内视频为预告片,没有对任何影视公司构成侵权.

An Airplane!-style parody of recent sword-and-sandal films, centered on Troy\'s greatest general, Awesomest Maximus, who is intensely loyal to his father-in-law, King Looney, but isn\'t terribly bright. Goaded by his ambitious wife, the Princess Hottessa, Awesomest finds himself on a diplomatic mission to Greece that goes horribly awry, leading to a war in which he must face the seemingly undefeatable Greek warrior, Testiclees.   曾经成功推出Animal House的国家讽刺文社(National Lampoon)近日决定开拍讽刺好莱坞史诗电影300壮士的电影-National Lampoon\'s 301: The Legend of Awesomest Maximus Wallace Leonidas,另外从片名你可以看出这部电影会将三百斯巴达勇士,特洛依等其他好莱坞史诗电影一起恶搞,据悉影片是叙述最厉害的普洛泰戈这名身材走样的斯巴达将军变成传奇人物的过程中遭遇许多挫折的故事。   国家讽刺文社是美国大学生一直最爱的刊物之一,在1978年首部电影作品Animal House讲述大学男生大闹笑话的故事,由於贴近其真实生活在当年以黑马之姿成为最卖座的电影并进入了百部经典喜剧片的行列,从此衍生了一系列冠入国家讽刺文社(National Lampoon)名字的喜剧片.

本站提供301角斗士电影完整版在线观看免费和手机mp4下载地址,可支持301角斗士百度云盘网盘、西瓜影音、吉吉影音等高清播放器。 2015-05-10 23:22:00