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In order to investigate the origin of the monstrous python, wildlife biologist Liang comes to the Nege Group where Shi Wen works. The company is attacked by tyrannosaurus when Shi Wen shows Liang around the company. Everyone temporarily takes refuge in the security room. Liang finds out that these so-called animals are all genetically mixed "monsters". Therefore, he not only has to escape the attack of tyrannosaurus, but also gets all the data of the Nege Group. Liang discovers that tyrannosaurus is fierce but has the weakness of chameleons: fear of cold. Even so, Liang is still unable to fight against such a huge monster alone. Liang comes up with an idea to use the mutated python to fight against the mutated tyrannosaurus, so as to find a way to defeat the tyrannosaurus.

本站提供Metamorphosis电影完整版在线观看免费和手机mp4下载地址,可支持Metamorphosis百度云盘网盘、西瓜影音、吉吉影音等高清播放器。 2022-06-10 00:51:05