Set in the world of competition swimming. Woo-Sang (Lee Jong-Suk) is a national swimmer. He pursues the number one spot. Won-Il (Seo In-Guk) is gifted swimmer, but stopped r. He pursues the number one spot. Won-Il (Seo In-Guk) is gifted swimmer, but stopped participating in the sport. He then makes a come back. 从小便被视为游泳明日之星的元日和友尚一直都是竞争者。突然有一天,元日停止游泳,踪迹全无,剩下友尚在全国民的关注下成长,他也被定位为独步泳坛的第一人。虽然,元日因为某些原因不得不离开游泳,但内心对泳池的梦却从未熄灭。终于,他们这对瑜亮在熟悉的碧波中再次重逢。二人站在同一起跑线,展开了一场没有硝烟的战争…… 新的记录会在他们两人之中诞生吗? 2016-06-01 19:23:18